🏘️Invite to Earn - Landowners

The affiliate rewards pool

Each month a fixed amount of $PAXW token will be allocated to a pool from which we will reward those who grow our community by bringing new users.

A specific rewards pool will be ringfenced for landowner affiliate rewards.

The rewards pool amounts will be announced at the start of each month and reward entitlements will be calculated for that calendar month.

Invite to Earn for landowners in Q4 2022

Our first landowner-oriented affiliate rewards round will take place in December 2022.

Affiliate points will be based on the number of "tier 1" and "tier 2" invitees (see below) as well as the Land Cluster Boost. Landowner affiliate points earned = ((T1)*2 + T2)*LCB T1 = Tier 1 invitee T2 = Tier 2 invitee LCB = Land Cluster Boost PAXW reward = Points earned * (Total reward pool / total number of points earned that month by all landowner affiliates) In simple terms, the more invitees you bring in (those that stay longer and get more involved count double), and the more boost gained through LCB (see below), the more points you earn. The whole PAXW reward pool will be divided up among participants in proportion to the points earned.

Tier 1 invitees

  1. Click the link

  2. Create a login for pax.world

  3. Spend at least 30 minutes walking around and exploring the world

  4. Complete a short list of interaction assignments, to be determined

  5. Click and complete a feedback board

Tier 2 invitees

  1. Click the link

  2. Create a login for pax.world

  3. Spend at least 5 minutes walking around and exploring the world

  4. Click and complete a feedback board

Land Cluster Boost

Land Cluster Boost is one example of ways in which land ownership is gamified in pax.world. Eager landowners can engage with the LCB mechanism as a multiplier for various reward schemes, including the Invite to Earn for landowners. See the Land Cluster Boost page for full details.

Last updated