🏆Content rewards

Be the flavour of the month with fellow users, get rewards


Every now and again, users, and in particular PAXW token holders, will be called upon to decide upon the future of pax.world, by voting on proposals for change or even constitutional matters.

The other main democratic duty of the community will be to show, actively or passively, which content most grabbed and retained their interest as they spent time in pax.world.

We want landowners (or other content creators downstream of them) to be incentivized to make genuinely engaging content. "3D clickbait" simply won't cut it - we have no interest in replicating the shady attention-trading economy of Web2 social and content platforms. We're not Meta, for goodness' sake.

This doesn't mean we don't want to measure attention given to different types of content: just that our goal is not to farm your personal data or sell your attention to advertisers and pocket the profits. The same incentives should, therefore, apply to all content creators in pax.world.

More details will follow here very soon about the innovative framework we are deploying to measure and reward the interest generated by content, but the basic framework breaks down into two main types, as follows:

Active content approval ("creative contests")

  1. A defined rewards pool of $PAXW is allocated periodically (usually monthly) for content rewards.

  2. Landowners or their partners create content, in the form of unique, innovative metaverse experiences for other users, or simply really impressive buildings.

  3. Each month, a handful of land tiles (the top 3, for example) will be selected and put forward for the approval of the community.

  4. Votes will be called initially on social media, but later also through in-world mechanisms. New users will be encouraged to join pax.world and experience the content first-hand before casting their vote.

  5. Rewards in $PAXW will be allocated based on the final order of merit after voting concludes. The amount of reward received may be eligible to be "boosted" through staking or other cumulative activity.

Creative contests will be the first type of content reward scheme to be implemented. Keep an eye on the pages in this section for details of the first of these.

Passive content approval

  1. Landowners or their partners create content, in the form of unique, innovative metaverse experiences for other users, or simply really impressive buildings.

  2. Users visit and interact with experiences.

  3. The amount of time users spend interacting, and the level of active interaction is measured.

  4. Sometimes, users can emphatically voice their approval (something like liking, commenting and sharing) during or after their visit.

  5. Users will be be empowered to affirm or reverse the automated attribution of their approval. This is intended to discourage "3D clickbait" but penalizing content that pulls users in only to disappoint.

Last updated